Meet the Johari Window
Ever hear the phrase "scratch beneath the surface"? As we discuss complex characters, that is what comes up in my mind. Often I find myself in the pitfall of surface reading, but learning to analyze complex characters is one step out of the pitfall. Humanity is so complex; we have our conscious, subconscious, but also our unconscious. With college essays, we've had to delve deep, introspecting, trying to dive deep underneath the iceberg to reach our unconscious thoughts that represent our growth, epiphany, piths. Through our building community initiative, we expose parts of ourselves that may not be obvious on the surface level. As I wrote my statements, I started to recall a memorable sermon I attended about the Johari window. Although the focus then was for religious purposes, it is also extremely applicable to analyzing a character/person and receiving feedback. The window is a matrix of four selves: open, blind, hidden, and unknown. Currently, we are exploring the o...